Why won't God answer my prayers?

Why won't God answer my prayers?

When we talk about prayer the first verse that come to mind is Matthew 7:7 “ask and it will be given...” . That is a feel Good verse. But what about when we don't feel like our prayers are being answered? What then? That is what we will be talking about today! Let's dive on in.

We have all been in a season where we don't feel like our prayers are being answered, we don't feel like we are hearing God speak. And it is in those seasons that the enemy will hit you the most!

About a year ago, I was in one of the darkest seasons of my life. I could not hear God, I would pray and nothing would happen. I began to become depressed, and the enemy began to spread seeds of doubt, confusion, I began to think maybe God just gave up on me, yeah that's right, he has more important things to do than to listen to me. Because who am I, but a little kid. And those seeds started to root.

But right before I gave up, God spoke to me in a way that I will never forget! He told me that it was not that he was not speaking or answering my prayers. But that I was focused on what Satan was doing right in front of me. That I missed what he was doing! Have you ever seen the movie “Now you see me” it is all about illusions. They say in the movie that if they get you to focus on what they want you to see, you will miss everything else.

Satan wants to get you so focused on what he wants you to see, if he gets you focused on the prayers that aren't answered, you miss the ones God is answering! If he gets you focused on the relationship that are braking, you will miss the God ordained relationships.

I encourage you today, look for what God IS doing in your life. Even in the hardest, and darkest seasons, God is up to something.

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